save money on car rental

The next time you land in a new location or feel a sudden urge to go for a long weekend, make sure the car rental (and all of its associated expenses) doesn’t rock your bank account. A rental car can certainly be worth it to avoid crazy taxi fares or the hassle of public transportation. However, the process can be more confusing and costly than expected if you haven’t done your research.

Here are a few money-saving tips to save money on car rental the next time you travel abroad.

1. Use an online offer comparator

A little time spent upfront comparing rental car rates online will help you save money on car rental, sometimes up to $100 per day. Renting a car at the airport can increase the price thanks to airport taxes, fees and surcharges. In some cities, it is a good idea to skip the rental at the airport and take a taxi to a local rental location; but that’s not the case in all destinations (that’s why you have to dig). Check out global travel booking sites like Instacart, Expedia, Europcar, and Fare-Buzz to compare prices, so you know you’re getting what you pay for.

2. Don’t pay for extra insurance if you don’t need it.

Car rental agents are happy when don’t know the full extent of what your insurance already covers, but don’t be forced into paying for extra coverage if you don’t need it.

You may not realize that your current auto insurance (if you already have a car) will cover vehicle damage or theft, damage to others, bodily injury, etc. Your credit card may also include basic insurance coverage as a benefit, as long as you use that card to pay for the rental. While most credit card like Scotia coverage does not apply to liability issues, it can go towards collision insurance, which allows you to extricate yourself if something happens to the car financially. Your best bet is to call your insurance company and your credit card company to understand how you are covered before signing anything fully.

3. Pay in advance to save up to 20%

This is especially true if you use travel websites or services that allow you to prepay but do not let you know the details of the agency you are renting from. But it is also possible to find special prepaid offers on comparators by knowing the rental agency. Again, agencies that aren’t big brands often have the best deals.

4. Avoid the extras

Do you need to pay extra for a GPS if you can use your phone or search and download directions before going? Do you need to upgrade to a newer model with additional cup holders? At the counter, the rental agents will offer you things, and you will only have to pay for what is necessary.

5. Ignore the prepaid gas option and always fill the tank.

Rental companies will offer a fuel service option that allows you to prepay for gasoline in advance. This is a good idea in theory if you know exactly how much fuel you will be using. In short, prepaid plans are rarely a bargain. Before dropping off the rental car, fill the tank up to (or above) where it was when you picked it up. Otherwise, you’ll be charged big.

In conclusion

Here are few tips to save money on car rental. With these basic rental car tips, you can cut a lot of the expenses and make your trip much more enjoyable.

By Diane Bowen may earn a small affiliate commission when you make a purchase or fill an application using the links on the site.